I have always been inspired to return the canyon lands of Utah. The state holds a mystic awe over itself to keep itself pure. The rock formations here tell times of many trial and of history. It amazes me the geology of the United States and how we have such wondrous places to our disposal. We are called to visit these places so that we can know our place in the stewardship of caring for them. I pray that each person that sees a natural place sees it for what it is. Do not look at river for amount fish you can catch or how much gold you could mine from the rocks. Look at the curves and artistry that the creator of our planet designed. The love he had for us made him create a wonderful place to call home.
Planet Earth is quiet amazing. I could never lay out all the places and journeys I dream of taking. That list is endless. I never want to stop seeing the gift of nature that my creator, and yours, made for us. He wants us to live out our days on the playground he made for us because he knows we need the down time to escape our busy human life. Remember things of our God are good, and not of evil. There is no deadline for how awesome the nature is unless man stops doing his first job: being a steward.
A steward by definition is a person who is employed to care for another's land or estate. God made us stewards of planet Earth so that we could oversee the continuing of it, not to destroy it. Nature is balance of give and take, thats what makes any ecosystem: sharing of resources. In the last several centuries our greed has overtaken the balance. Nature can only give so much before it has to reproduce it. But it can not reproduce if the resource is destroyed in numbers.
What does this have to do with me visiting Utah? Everything. If you can't visit a place and see its natural value without taking of something for yourself, you have forgotten your first task as human being. You must tread lightly and go see the world so you can love the world. Its not just loving the place but loving other people enough to know that we must protect this so they can love the world like you do.
Doing unto others as you would want done unto you is a big part of my faith. Many of my ancestors made decisions that are good and bad. I hope that when my future decendents see the world, it similar to what I saw.
Fight for the Earth. Appreciate your resources. Take pride in your place of human stewardship. Love your home. Go see the wonders of God in the displays of wonderful places on Earth to feel how wonderful he is. He hides himself in the places few people reach. He hides in the mountains and the canyons that only passionate stewards reach. He is hiding so that we go seek him to know him. He wants us to long for him.
Religion teaches that God lives in churches.
Though he may, I know that I found my God in nature and I know he called us to care for his creation.
Go. Travel.
Your life will change.
But only if,
you stay open and humble.
Be ready to answer to the call of stewardship in your heart.