I will take the rocky path uphill battles to pursue my goals. i will not think to bend under the weight of another persons limitations of me. god has a big plan for my life and it would be foolish to abandon him.
being single is a good thing. it lets you become in love with your own passions and feelings. you Don't carry the weight of solving out another souls battles. you are able to focus on yourself. does that make you selfish?
No. if you can not love yourself that beautiful master piece you are, no one else can ever love you back. EMBRACE YOUR WEIRD. TAKE ON THE DAY HAIR DAYS. YOU ARE CRAZY AMAZING. WITHOUT YOUR SMILE, THE WORLD CAN BE DULL. THAT GOOFY LAUGH IS AWESOME.
Its impossible to love without first loving the one that created you. He will teach you to trust him when you decide to love him. he lets you have strength to be without relationships. He made you after all.


Human love is a game.
A method of solving who gets more or less.
What is mine, what is yours. Do we share somethings?
If not I am leaving....
No. The love that we humans carry out is forever coated with a film of greasy lies and dislike.
We are rebellious and spiteful. We want what is for ourselves. Does that make you selfish? Yes.
To be selfish and selfless are opposite. You can not have both and live a peaceful life. To take everything for yourself gains you the world, but what then happens when its all over and gone. Would you rather be known for the things you did or the things you accumulated.
I hope to know the true meaning of selflessness. That comes from love. Loving gods natural world allowed me to meet his love. I was taught of it as a child but never really believed while in my teens. I was trying to figure out my story, for how I wanted it.... I was making a big mistake. It took all of me to make it out of those times, alive. I am thankful for mercy.
I was given a chance and purpose. My heart is that of David. At age 19 I took the call to follow my heart.

Follow the cry of my being. I moved far away from all the lingering pains of my designed
life. I embraced nothingness and being alone. I didn't have much chance to be weak. I had to build my spirit if I was going to survive.
I spent time growing. It took time for the scars and memories to fade. It was a challenge for a solo fight. I wanted to quit. Run back home and never finish this scary mess I got myself into. If not for the support of my family and my own self love, I would not be here writing my message for you.
I want to encourage you. I know what you feel.
I spent many days discouraged. Felt wasted and alone. I felt sad and that no one could love the mess I am. Who wants the baggage I bring. It would be foolish of them to want this!
Thats a lie. Your bags can be lifted. You don't need to worry about them any longer.
More to come.... until then, know you are loved. <3