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Breakfast of a champion.

Healthy breakfast is VERY important during travel.

1 pre-cooked* potato, cubed (carb)

1/4 can of SPAM, cubed (protein)

1/2 onion sliced and diced(vitamin A)

1 egg per person(protein)

1 small tomato (veg)

1/4 green pepper(veg)

Salt and pepper to taste

Fry it all up in a tbsp of cooking oil and you are all set! In this photo I am using an alcohol, single burner camp stove, with my handy dandy camping cook wear.

* By precooking all potatoes in the microwave before leaving for a camping trip, you cut your cook time in half. Use a medium size potato and plop it in the microwave for about 3 minutes. Each potato can feed 2 people at one meal. Do the math and figure out how many spuds you need. If you can't pre-cook, thats okay. There is still hope for you. We aren't gonna let you die. I recommend using canned SLICED potatoes that can be found in almost any grocery store.

Same concept goes with meats. Precook when possible to avoid disease and germs. Precooking makes your live easy! Quickly can turn on the stove and heat 'er on up. Not worried about chicken guts in the woods or raw meat going bad. Pre-cook and put in a ziplock bag.

Keep in a cooler or safe shaded place and it will last a week versus several hours. :)

Canned meats work great too. I prefer canned chicken and tuna.

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