Over the course of our lives, things change. Some days, we feel like we are in total control of every aspect of our lives: what we eat, what we wear, where we go. Other days, like this one, we are given a glimpse of feeling very helpless and dependent of what surrounds us. Without a balance of control and also helplessness, our daily habits will never change and we will stand still in time without any growth. A person can live a hundred years and never actually have a chance to have a life. By becoming comfortable in vulnerability, confident in control, and humble about what surrounds you, the world of opportunity is unending.
I have never done a LiveLokai photo before, though I have worn the bracelet for almost a year. It reminds me to think about these moments of being at the lows and highs. Its a tool for kicking you in the butt. In a subtle way, it says "hey, shut up and keep your shit together."
I decided to take my first LiveLokai bracelet on my morning hike along the Appalachian Trail. It was a moment that was similar to many of my adventures, but uniquely charming. After hiking only .9 miles from the campsite at Big Meadow, Shenendoah Nat. Park, I found myself in wilderness. I took a moment, stopped, and looked.
I was alone. If an accident happened, I was shit out of luck until someone decided to venture off like I did. I sat down and looked at the trail I had conquered behind me. I was heading North, typical for most who on the Appalachian. I put myself in the shoes of a person who hikes the trail for the trail itself. 2,220 miles of trails that cross through deep necks of wilderness that creates a sea of solitude. I thought about the things you would experience and why a LiveLokai mindset could help truck along.
By accepting what is, you find who you are. It's a level of understanding that comes with practice. This balance connects to many things. Too many to list or even think about getting into discussion over. The world would be a better place if people would learn to leave things as they are, and take the turns as them come.