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Sisters before Misters

Many of times in life, we find ourselves looking far and wide to find a person to call our best friend. We search for years, hoping to meet the other human being that loves and accepts our weirdness. I was too a wanderer looking for a best friend. Failed friendships and emotional rollercoasters led me back to my roots.

I was fortunate to be given a best friend when I was too young to appreciate it. It took many hard battles of love and hate to finally realize sisters are our first and truest best friends. This young lady is the greatest friend I have ever had. We have seen the world together and apart. We have climbed mountains and dove into valleys. God has made a beautiful world and we both fell in love with exploring it.

Rachel and I are only at the beginning of our long lists of adventures. My best friend is Clark, and I am her Lewis. Sisters who love to travel, experience, and become apart of new worlds. I didn't chose to be a big sister, but I am damn glad I was given the chance to be.

Take time to appreciate your siblings and the diversities you have. Its hard to believe that two people, come from the same parents and yet can be totally different souls. Rachel is a fish, I am a Lizard. We both strive to reach new limits and break down the boundaries. Accept the annoying habits that your family has and embrace the beautiful imperfections. Its a friendship that you are given that you can always have.


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